Grant Program Funds

Grant Program Funds
Grant Program Funds

Grant Program Funds

Strategic philanthropy is the most effective way to achieve significant results with limited resources. Our grant program funds are designed to fuel community transformation in a measurable way. When you submit a grant inquiry, our Grants team will help match your project idea to one of many grant funds available through the Community Foundation.

THRIVE Grants from the Fund for York County

The Fund for York County addresses the needs of a changing York County. THRIVE Grants focus on fueling community transformation by helping low-income individuals build economic mobility to help them thrive. Our focus areas include:

  • Career Development
  • Child and Youth Development
  • Health
  • Housing
  • Transportation

THRIVE grants over $10,000 are awarded through a committee process with YCCF Board approval. Grants up to $10,000 are selected by volunteer Community Grant Readers.

Learn About Thrive

Embracing Aging

The Hahn Home Fund for Women is the primary fund supporting Embracing Aging’s work. The Chester H. Thomas fund also supports older adults. Embracing Aging provides education and advocacy to advance aging-in place concepts and planning. It also strives to dismantle ageism and build age-equity. This initiative awards grants for programs focused on improving the quality of life for York County residents age 50 and older.

Embracing Aging grants over $10,000 are awarded through a committee process with YCCF Board approval. Grants up to $10,000 are selected by volunteer Community Grant Readers.

Learn About Embracing Aging

Memorial Health Fund

The Memorial Health Fund is a supporting organization of York County Community Foundation, with its own board of directors. This grant program seeks to transform the way our community addresses compelling health issues by funding programs that improve the complete physical, mental, and social well-being of the residents of York and its surrounding communities.

Learn About Memorial Health Fund

Environmental Funds

Agriculture & Land Preservation – Established with the Robert R. Anderson Family Fund; also includes Kristen E. Baylor Memorial and Earl and Margaret Brown Family funds. This fund supports education, study, and research in agriculture to improve farms, farming, and land preservation in York County.

Codorus Watershed – Established with the Codorus Watershed Endowment Fund. This fund works to develop strategic direction and action plans to build on the work of existing watershed improvement programs. By leveraging new public and private investments, this fund seeks to improve the health and vitality of the Codorus and its environs.

Sustainable Energy – Established with the Charles G. Eyster Family Fund. This fund provides education and technical assistance to help nonprofit organizations and municipal entities conserve energy and reduce operating costs. The fund is currently exploring large-scale demonstration projects to transform the way York Countians think about energy conservation.

Learn About Environmental Funds

Racial Equity Fund

The Racial Equity Fund seeks to support projects that address issues of racism and inequity in our community to ensure everyone has an opportunity to thrive. The Racial Equity Fund awards grants of up to $15,000 each for projects that seek to address issues of racism and inequity within communities of color in the following areas:

  • Community Leadership and Development
  • Criminal Justice System
  • Education and Job Readiness
  • Health and Wellness
  • Income and Wealth Creation
  • Racial and Cultural Education

Learn About Racial Equity Fund

Additional Grant Opportunities

Additional grants are made from directed funds earmarked for specific purposes and may be considered year-round. These are some of the ways our generous donors support specific causes in perpetuity.

Learn About Directed Funds