The Community Grant Readers program invites volunteers to assist in awarding grants up to $10,000 to nonprofit organizations serving York County. A team of volunteer grant readers will be empowered to read, score, and select grants.
Any community member who is at least 18 years old, resides in York County, and is not employed by a nonprofit agency applying for a community grant from YCCF can review grants. Grant readers must be able to participate in a brief training about funding priorities and grant review process. Each volunteer reader should be available for at least one grant cycle per year and may be invited to read/score no more than 10 grant applications per cycle.
Community grant readers agree to:
- Maintain confidentiality by not disclosing information about any of the grant applications
- Fully disclose any conflicts of interest that would prevent you from reading and scoring a grant
- Read and score grant applications in the designated timeframe
- Be responsive to YCCF communications
- Participate in grant evaluation training, such as a webinar, meeting, and/or completing provided reading materials
We are excited engage our community members in selecting the grants we fund. We thank you for considering this opportunity and are looking forward to having new and diverse perspectives informing our work.
Volunteer community grant readers are selected each Spring for the current calendar year. If you are interested in being notified when we are accepting new applications, follow us on social media for updates or contact us at to be put on our waiting list.