Category: Embracing Aging

How Local HAM Radio Operators Make Connections Around the World and Beyond!

Scientists say that staying connected and having a strong social network is crucial to living a healthier, longer, and more fulfilling life. Having a hobby and a group of friends to enjoy that hobby with is even more important as we age. At September House, a community center for people age 60 and older, some […]

The Impact of Ageism in Healthcare

A few months ago, my mother needed a surgery and was hospitalized for a few days.  It all happened rather quickly.  One minute she was at an appointment with her primary care provider, and the next thing we knew, an ambulance was transporting her from the doctor’s office to the ER.  At the time, the […]

Just Get Moving

Did you know that there is an intervention that can: Relieve knee arthritis pain by 47% Slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia by 50% Help reduce the progression of diabetes by 58% Lessen anxiety by 48% Relieve depression by 30% This intervention reduces fatigue, provides endless health benefits, and lowers your risk of death. […]

Responding with Kindness and Understanding

For older adults living with dementia and their caregivers, going about their daily routines can be difficult. Interactions with store associates, servers, tellers, and even in times of emergencies with first responders, can be challenging, because they may not know how best to engage with them. Last year, YCCF’s Hahn Home Fund supported a collaboration […]

The Conversation

con·ver·sa·tion noun a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.   Most people enjoy catching up with friends and family about what’s going on in their lives.  But there are some conversations many choose to ignore. I recently attended a session titled Estate Planning Toolbox:  […]

What is Funny About Aging?

Laugh until your belly hurts and then a little bit more! When was the last time you found something so funny, you laughed loudly? Sometimes the unexpected obstacles and changes associated with aging prevent us from finding things amusing.  We get so wrapped up in the negativity, we lose sight in the lightheartedness of everyday […]

York County Community Foundation Awards Grants Scored by the Grant Reader Program

(YORK, PA, April 21) – Members of the community helped York County Community Foundation (YCCF) create a thriving York County by awarding grants to 9 nonprofits totaling $47,584. The community grant making program of YCCF invites residents from across York County to bring a wider perspective to the review process. Volunteer grant readers evaluated grants […]

You Are Your Perfect Age Today

“You only need a mirror to create an aging change because looking in the mirror and declaring you are the perfect age for you today is a first step in shifting attitudes on aging.” These were the words of Dr. Bill Thomas, an author, entrepreneur, teacher, physician, and founder of the influential multi-blogger platform […]

Nurture Self-Love

When was the last time you showed unconditional love to the person in the mirror? Too often the changes we see in ourselves as we age impact self-love.  Our inner critic takes over.  We spew false messages regarding our worth and value based on the changes we see in our appearance or experience in our […]

What Is Your 2022 Mindset About Aging?

For some people, ushering in a new calendar year includes thinking about past mistakes and resolving to do and be better.  And although I get sentimental reflecting on cherished moments of the past year at the playing of Auld Lang Syne, I do not make New Year resolutions. I believe each day is an opportunity […]