When You Help Others, You Help Yourself

When You Help Others, You Help Yourself

Wonderful gifts come in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes they are actual products, other times not.  I find gifts related to experiences, memories, and inspiration the best ones to give and receive.

Earlier this month I got such a present, while interviewing Donald and Edna Sterner in an Embracing Aging session titled, The Gift of Age.  As this dynamic duo shared their passion for volunteering, they referenced the phrase….

When you help others, you help yourself

What a profound statement!

You see, when Donald and Edna share their talents and time, they are getting as much from the experience, if not more, than those they are helping.  Not only does their volunteering give them purpose, but it also connects them with people of all ages and interests. This helps break down misunderstandings between generations or other differences, through focusing on a common goal.

Growing Older is a Gift!

During this unprecedented year, each of us have experienced change.  For some, the changes were unlike any across their lifetime.   The past nine months have highlighted not to take anyone or anything for granted.

With each new sunrise, we are given the gift of more time.  More time to make the most of the life we live.

Of course, our unique circumstances impact how we do this.  For instance, people who drive or have easy access to transportation, people who have Internet, and people who are not worrying about shelter, food insecurity, or disease are in an easier position to maximize their gift of growing older.

However, picking up the phone and calling someone to ask them what kind of day they are having is a wonderful way to give yourself something to look forward to, as well as making the day of the person you are calling.   And doing this with people across generations makes the gift even stronger, because you hear about a variety of subjects.

An Inspirational Example

My interview with the Sterners caused me to reflect on how I use my gift of time as I age.  I hope it has the same effect on you.  Click on the video below to hear more about their story.  Then determine one thing you will routinely do in 2021 to help others, which in turn, helps you.

Wishing everyone peace, health, and safety, today and always.