
Racial Equity Fund

Create a Vibrant York County for Everyone

Racial Equity Fund

The York County Community Foundation (YCCF) is dedicated to taking the necessary steps toward advancing racial equity in our community and one step is the creation of a grant fund dedicated to support meaningful, positive action to advance racial equity.

YCCF used $125,000 of its unrestricted dollars to establish a racial equity fund that will have an initial pool of resources to make grants now as well as a permanently endowed fund that will generate annual grants for racial equity initiatives year after year.  Decisions for this fund will be in the hands of a new advisory committee of volunteer community members. This new committee will determine the purpose, parameters, and process for grant selections and will evaluate and select grant recipients.

Important Dates for 2024 Racial Equity Grant Cycles 

First Grant Cycle Opens: January 5, 2024

First Grant Cycle Closes: January 22, 2024

Anticipated Decision Date: March 14, 2024

*Program start date for first grant cycle must be March 15 or later.*

Second Grant Cycle Opens: January 23, 2024

Second Grant Cycle Closes: April 5, 2024

Anticipated Decision Date: June 14, 2024

*Program start date for second grant cycle must be June 15 or later.*

Third Grant Cycle Opens: April 8, 2024

Third Grant Cycle Closes: July 5, 2024

Anticipated Decision Date: September 12, 2024

*Program start date for second grant cycle must be September 13 or later.*

Fourth Grant Cycle Opens: July 8, 2024

Fourth Grant Cycle Closes: September 13, 2024

Anticipated Decision Date: December 12, 2024

*Program start date for second grant cycle must be December 13 or later.*

Prior to submitting an application, applicants must complete a Grant Inquiry Form.

Grant Inquiry Forms should be submitted to Jason Andrews, Grants Program Manager, to ensure your program or project idea meets the funding source requirements. Once your completed form is received and reviewed, you will receive an email with additional information.

Contact Jason Andrews by email: or by phone: 717.848.3733

Applications will be reviewed and recommended by the Racial Equity Fund Committee. YCCF staff are available to answer questions and will assist applicants with the application process.

If you have technical questions, such as how to access the application, or how to create an account, please contact Jason Andrews, Grants Program Manager at

For more information on applying for a grant from the Racial Equity Fund, visit


YCCF’s vision is that York County is a growing, prosperous and united community where all have unsurpassed opportunities to thrive.  This vision cannot be achieved when members of our community have limited access to healthcare, educational opportunities, and financial well-being, as a result of their race.

YCCF is home to over 650 different endowed funds that were created by donors to generate annual grants to benefit the charities and causes they are passionate about.  Our Fund for York County tackles challenges that hold our community back such as improving educational outcomes for children, increasing access to job training and placement, and revitalizing neighborhoods and downtowns.  Our staff reach out to community organizations to identify projects that can have meaningful impact and a diverse group of volunteers evaluate and award grants.

YCCF recognizes that we must work in new ways to address the chronic challenges of our community.  A May, 2020 report by the Bridgespan Group called Racial Equity in Philanthropy reported that the two biggest factors that hold back philanthropy’s quest for social change are: understanding the role of race in the problems philanthropists are trying to solve; and, the significance of race in how philanthropists identify leaders and find solutions.

We heard this same feedback from community leaders of color when we recently held discussions about how YCCF can better support communities of color.  They urged us to look for and eliminate bias in how we work and be intentional about incorporating equity into our grantmaking.  They called on us to address the root causes of economic and educational disparities and to ensure those most impacted by racial disparities are at decision-making tables.

Creating a dedicated grant fund is an important first step to creating real change. We understand that reversing the impacts of racial injustice will require persistent effort and continued financial support for many years to come. YCCF will actively seek other funding partners to leverage these funds with other sources. We encourage everyone to contribute to the racial equity fund to support this important work. No amount is too small; small steps can lead to big changes. To make a donation, click here.


Committee Members:

Lisa Kennedy – Family Peer Support Specialist, York County Department of Human Services and York City School Board Director

Timothy Warfield – Chairman, PA Community Development & Finance Corp.; member of the YCCF Board of Directors; and retired from the National Association for State Community Services Programs.

Natalee C. Gunderson – VP of Human Resources, York Water Company

Jamiel Alexander – CEO of E5 Enterprises and Senior Fellow: Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions

José Santiago – Director, YMCA New American Welcome Center

Kim Brister – Senior Director of Talent Acquisition, Diversity & Inclusion, WellSpan Health

Delores Penn – Educational Consultant; retired from the School District of the City of York


Thank you to our supporters:

Fulton Bank

Gavin Communications

Kinsley Foundation

Holly A. Mayer, Mayer Wealth Advisory at Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

Wagman Corporate Community Fund

York Revolution Community Fund

YCCF Inclusion Policy

No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the York County Community Foundation on the basis of age, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity (as identified in paragraph 249 (c)(4) of title 18, United States Code), sexual orientation, marital or parental status, physical or mental ability.

Read more about the Racial Equity Fund in this story from Our York Media.