2016 YorkCounts Indicators Now Available Online

2016 YorkCounts Indicators Now Available Online

The 2016 YorkCounts Indicators, which provides data on a variety of issues related to the well-being of York County, is now available from York County Community Foundation (YCCF). The data featured online was compiled by the Penn State Data Center, and represents a subset of the vast data available from many sources about life in York County. YCCF and others uses this data to help us understand the needs and challenges facing our community and to inform our focus areas to stimulate conversation about how to accelerate progress. New this year, the YorkCounts Indicators will only be available online. In addition, we are pleased to announce that we will now be updating the data annually rather than at three-year intervals. The new YorkCounts Indicators can be accessed through YCCF’s website at www.yccf.org or at www.yorkcounts.org.

The goal of the Indicators is to create a clear and transparent source for unbiased, fact-based information on the issues our community identifies as important to our quality of life. Individuals, groups, and organizations in all sectors can use the information to increase their knowledge, inform decisions, promote accountability, and guide action to achieve progress.

York County snapshot:
Community: Attendance increased at local recreational activities and decreased at arts and cultural events. All York County schools are more diverse, with nearly 25% of York County students representing minority populations. In recent years, York Countians are less engaged in the electoral process.
Economy: York County is rebounding from the 2008 recession in many ways, yet annual household income and unemployment has not returned to pre-recession levels. Our workforce is aging and the manufacturing sector continues to decline as a leader in local revenue and employment, while growth is spreading across other sectors. There is a significant income gap by race in York County and the number of children in poverty has increased in almost every school district.
Education: While York continues to have more quality STAR4 early childcare facilities, over 60% of York’s 3- and 4-year-olds are not enrolled in early childhood education. Every school district is serving more children eligible for free or reduced lunch. Most standardized test scores have fallen across the county.
Environment: Land preservation and recycling are following upward trends in York. Based on recently revised assessments, our local streams are more polluted.
Health: More York County citizens have health insurance, yet the Indicators still show growing rates of obesity and spikes in documented cases of sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps most striking is that homicide is now the second largest killer of 5-24-year-olds.

Safety: While the rates of DUIs and nonviolent and violent crime are down in York County, substantiated reports of child abuse in York now surpass Pennsylvania.

Aging: The population of people age 65 and older will continue to increase. People in this age group are expected to live another 18-20 years, while people age 85 are expected to live another 6-7 years. Many older adults in York County are paying more than 30% of their income on housing.