The historic Yorktowne Hotel has been a cornerstone of downtown York since 1925. However, in recent years the once elegant grand hotel has needed repairs and updating. When the property was placed on the market for sale, the community was concerned that potential uses for the building could be detrimental to current downtown revitalization efforts.
To ensure the Yorktowne stays a positive, longterm asset for downtown, the York County Industrial Authority purchased the property. Local charitable gifts and loans, including a commitment from YCCF’s Social Impact Investment Fund, were leveraged to help secure a $10 million grant from the Pennsylvania Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program.
During a two-year closure, the Yorktowne Hotel will be updated to a 3- to 4-star, full-service hotel with features and amenities comparable to its competitors, while still maintaining historic features. Project partners have been selected, and preliminary plans are underway.
The Yorktowne project will anchor other downtown revitalization efforts in Continental Square, the Royal Square District, and the York College Center for Community Engagement. Excess space could be turned into offices or residences to further support downtown York’s strategic direction. This project is perhaps the most impactful and significant economic development initiative currently underway in the City of York.
YCCF envisions that the hotel will be a downtown destination, traffic generator, and employer. We’re excited for the new Yorktowne Hotel to become part of a vibrant York City.