York Suburban Class of 1962 Fund
The York Suburban High School Class of 1962 is the first class to create a named scholarship through the York Suburban Dollars for Scholars program.
Bill Cooley, one of the 170 members of the class, said the classmates have been funding a $500 “half scholarship” over the past 16 years, as well as building another fund to raise the $25,000 necessary to create the named fund. That goal was accomplished this year. The renewable scholarship will be presented for the first time in May 2016.
Stephanie Sullivan, President of the York Suburban Dollars for Scholars, was thrilled by the Class of 1962?s contribution. She encouraged other classes to follow the lead of the Class of 1962.
Formed in 1998, York Suburban Dollars for Scholars grants have supported 110 students with $337,500. These renewable scholarships – such as the one created by the Class of 1962 – allow Dollars for Scholars to support York Suburban High School graduates over their full college career.