Former Judge Albert G. Blakey III Memorial Fund for York County
Established in 2012

Former Judge Albert "Bud" Blakey grew up in York and was a graduate of William Penn High School. He was so committed to York that when he graduated from Yale Law School, he chose to begin his career in York rather than a large city. Bud believed in being an active participant in the community and he viewed his time as judge to be a form of community service. In addition, he served on many boards and held leadership roles with the York County prison and courthouse commissions. Given Bud's love of York, it was natural for him and his wife, Judy, to support York County Community Foundation. They established a fund in 2005 and joined the 1749 Society by naming the Community Foundation in their wills. Bud respected the Community Foundation's prudent and professional management, as well as its leadership role in addressing important needs in York County. The Blakey family decided it would be fitting to honor Bud by combining his legacy gift with the memorial contributions of others to form a new fund in his name. The Former Judge Albert G. Blakey III Memorial Fund for York County will forever support Bud's hometown, which was near and dear to his heart.