Dr. Bill Thomas, guest speaker at YCCF’s recent 2016 Annual Meeting on May 23, is a renowned authority on geriatric medicine and elderhood, who graciously met with staff from the York Daily Record’s editorial board prior to the meeting. What came out of that lengthy conversation was a better understanding of what it means to age in our society today, and how we need to challenge the prejudices and stereotypes that exist in order for our communities to thrive. One key element focused on removing the isolationist attitude many of us have and creating a community where we can coexist. As Dr. Thomas shared, “We were all made to travel this arc from birth to death in the company of others.” Dr. Thomas applauded YCCF’s efforts to embrace aging!
To read more about that conversation, pleaseĀ click here. For a complete video of Dr. Thomas sharing his inspiring message at our Annual Meeting, pleaseĀ click here.
Making York County a great place to age is the vision for YCCF’s Embracing Aging. We do this by increasing the application of age-inclusive thinking and removing barriers to aging well, including changing negative attitudes toward aging.