Keystones Oral Histories

Keystones Oral Histories

YCCF is always ready to support educational initiatives to ensure our youth and adults receive the best access to resources and information.

When former educator, Bryan Wade came to us with his plan to offer curricula and resources that would meet those needs, we were happy to support his community project.

In his grant application, Mr. Wade shared how individuals from marginalized communities within South Central Pennsylvania had positively influenced the historical development of our nation. “However, this influence is understated, underappreciated, and relatively unknown to our 21st Century community and students; history books and curricula do not explore or present local history of the Black community. From athletics to education; community service to medical service; religion to military; and more; Pennsylvania’s diverse communities have played a role that deserves to be celebrated and presented to today and tomorrow’s generations.”

Through the Keystones Oral History Project, Mr. Wade has acknowledged and recorded the lasting positive influences of ethnic and social communities within our region. He knew these stories needed to be presented, especially to the youth, and undertook the project as a way of giving back to the community he loves and serves.

Keystones Oral Histories has produced a series of 60 to 75-minute documentary episodes along with correlated, age-appropriate classroom curricula to record and present the true-life recollections of African American leaders that made their mark.

“In today’s society, young members of the African American community need to learn of the local pride, impact, and mentorship of generations before. Rather than looking to national sports or entertainment figures for inspiration, these young students need to be introduced to the true leaders of their community here at home. By completing this project, we are not only providing local heroes, but are recognizing them properly, and creating what did not exist–a local history curriculum.” [for local K-12 schools] – Mr. Bryan Wade


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