Everyone Wants to Age Well

Everyone Wants to Age Well

At 88, Olivia Brown lives in her own home and likes staying active in the community and at home, most often in her garden. She is a frequent participant in programs at Crispus Attucks (CA), a nonprofit that provides education services, human services, community development, and affordable housing. Although Ms. Brown likes to drive just about everywhere, CA is within walking distance of her home, and she is well known by all the staff there. She recently participated in a CA program, in conjunction with September House and the York Jewish Community Center, that provided nutritional advice and physical activities specifically designed for older adults. Ms. Brown said the program was wonderful and looks forward to more opportunities to stay active and try new things.

YCCF supported the program through a collaborative grant from its Hahn Home Fund for Embracing Aging, which works to make York County a great place to age. YCCF encourages local nonprofits to work together in new ways to help older adults live longer and stronger in the place they call home. After all, no matter our age, there’s no place like home!