Beautiful York –  a Work in Progress

Beautiful York – a Work in Progress

Every spring, thousands upon thousands of sunny daffodil blooms pop up in parks and gardens throughout York City.

These perky spring blossoms are the result of the Daffodil Dig, a collaborative effort between York County Community Foundation, City of York Parks and Recreation Department, and numerous volunteer groups. The dig, which was held each October between 2005-2009, was the brainchild of an anonymous donor who wished to bring the community together to beautify their city. More than 1,200 volunteers participated in the Dig over the course of its four years. The Daffodil Dig has run its course, but everyone in York can still enjoy the fruits of the Dig each spring when 150,000 bright and happy flowers bloom throughout our city.

Projects such as the Daffodil Dig fall under the Community Foundation’s Community Development Field of Interest Fund, which helps the Community Foundation invest in the long-term vibrancy of our entire community through beautification projects, enhancing cultural appeal, strengthening the economy, and attracting residents.